Sequential and Efficient Neural-population Coding of Complex Task Information

  • Authors: Sue Ann Koay, Adam S. Charles, Stephan Y. Thiberge, Carlos D. Brody, David W. Tank

PUBLICATION: Neuron 2022

Recent work has highlighted that many types of variables are represented in each neocortical area. How can these many neural representations be organized together without interference, and coherently maintained/updated through time? We recorded from large neural populations in posterior cortices as mice performed a complex, dynamic task involving multiple interrelated variables. The neural encoding implied that correlated task variables were represented by uncorrelated neural-population modes, while pairs of neurons exhibited a variety of signal correlations. This finding relates to principles of efficient coding for task-specific information, with neural-population modes as the encoding unit, and applied across posterior cortical regions and layers 2/3 and 5. Remarkably, this encoding function was multiplexed with sequential neural dynamics as well as reliably followed changes in task-variable correlations through time. We suggest that neural circuits can implement time-dependent encoding in a simple way by using random sequential dynamics as a temporal scaffold.

Brigitte Stark